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Understanding Concussions in Youth Soccer: Risks, Prevention, and Future Measures
Understanding Concussions in Youth Soccer: Risks, Prevention, and Future Measures
Kevin Guskiewicz | Preventing Concussion in Sport: From Lab to Law
The Impact of Concussions in Youth and College Sports: Christopher Nowinski
Sport Concussions in Youth | Christopher Giza, MD | UCLAMDChat
The Impact of Concussions in Youth and College Sports: Dr. Robert Cantu
Why helmets don't prevent concussions -- and what might | David Camarillo
"The Concussion Crisis in Youth Sports" by Dr. Robert Cantu
Reducing the burden of concussion in youth sport - #Sportskongres 2019
It’s Not Child’s Play: An Evidence-Based Approach to Youth Sports Concussions | UCLAMDChat
How concussion concerns impact youth football
Are You More Likely To Get A Concussion After Having One? ACD. Ep 94